Saturday, February 5, 2011

In the best shape so far!

I've been doing p90x for little over a month now and absolutely love it! I'm doing 2 dvds almost every day or doing 65 mins of running and 1 dvd. I know I know a little overkill but it's working.

I'm not losing weight but I feel stronger and leaner. My stomach is probably the flattest it's been in a long long time and I'm really digging it. I've actually done a few workouts in just my sports bra and workout pants. Don't get me wrong, I would never do that publicly, there are no 6 pack abs in sight but the rolls have diminished greatly.

The killer is that I'm working out around 2 hours a day just about everyday! I take off about 1 day a week because I do get tired and my workouts suffer and I know my body needs a break to recover. I'm watching my calories pretty closely but I still cheat...quite a bit actually. But I do make good decisions and I have to give myself credit for that. There are so many times where I'd love to order a pizza and just maw down but I'll go to subway instead and get a turkey sandwich. I still drink regular pop but I've found pepsi max!!! OMG I love it! It doesn't have that usual diet pop taste and it's now my new fave.

I've also been on a chili kick. I should clarify, it's a canned chili kick. This is what non cookers are relegated to. But you have to definitely read the labels. A lot of canned chili has about 600 calories per can along with a lot of fat grams. I found one from Hormel that is only 440 calories per can and very low fat grams. I eat it at least 3 times per week. It's just so quick and easy. Two mins in the microwave and I'm digging in. I'm so a woman of convenience. But I figure it could be so much worse. I could be eating mcdonalds or some other crap every night. The past 6 or 7 months my diet has been pretty much subway turkey sandwiches. I'm not kidding, I'm eating this at least once if not twice a day. But I've cut back in the last month. I realized I was becoming an addict :) I started bringing a can of soup for lunch and I found the absolute best one...chicken fajita soup. OMG I can't get enough of it. I've been eating it everyday for lunch for the past 2 weeks. It's only 260 calories and barely no fat or carbs.

I know I'm obsessing about this stuff. It's part of my DNA. I calculate that eating subway for lunch is about 600 calories (give or take since I get the meal) and by eating a can of soup I've slashed those calories in half! Grant it, I am very hungry by the time I get home and this has gotten me into some binging trouble but I try to keep healthy snacks around to curb that. My other favorite is the dark chocolate almond fiber bars. For 130 calories per bar you get over half your fiber requirements and they are soooo good.

I haven't weighed myself in over a week so we'll see how well this diet and exercise regimine is going. I'm really happy with how I look right now and it's been a LOT of work just maintaining it. Only because I do eat whatever I want mostly on the weekends so that's the price I'm willing to pay.

I am getting a little nervous about my first half marathon scheduled for this year. It's on May 1st and unless the weather really turns around by March, I'm not sure I'm going to be ready for 13.1 miles. I have a hard time going over 5 miles on the treadmill. I have been changing up my treadmill training to do more high intensity running. I've been getting a lot of good training ideas from the runners world magazine. I'm anxious to get back outside to run. It's funny because when it gets into the mid 30's (which has been very rare this winter) I think this is warm enough to run outside! Versus in October/November when it was dropping below 60 I thought that was too cold. It doesn't take long to get use to the cold around here.

I will continue to press on!! I think the p90x is giving me great strength training and 2011 is looking to be a good year.

I survived THE BLIZZARD OF 2011

The blizzard of 2011 occurred on Feb 2. Actually it really started the afternoon of Feb 1 which was a Tuesday. By the time I left work around 2:30 the snow was starting to come down and the streets were getting messy. The weather forecasters were all about hyping this thing up to be huge so I had no plans of trying to come into work on Wed if it was as bad as they were predicting.

Before I went to bed on Tuesday night I made the decision that I was not coming into work early like I usually do so I didn't set my alarm. I figured I'll go in late or worse case I'll work from home. I woke up around 5:30 Wed morning, looked out the front window and had to give the forecasters credit, it was turning into a mother of a storm. The winds were gusting around 50 miles per hour and the snow was coming down around 2" per hour. Around 10am the snow really started coming down and it was a pure whiteout outside. Yep, definitely not going into work. The state issued an emergency so nobody was to be driving unless you were police or emergency crews.

So I jumped online to work from home. And so did just about EVERYBODY in the company because the network was painfully slow. I got as much as I could done and cuddled up on the couch to watch some of my dvr shows.

By 2:30 the snow and wind had stopped and the sun was actually coming out! I opened my front door and there was like 4 feet of snow against my door and garage door. I figured I'd better start digging my way out. The forecast was for the temps to drop to below zero that night into the next day and who knew when the HOA would have our driveways plowed. I took the shovel and started digging. The snow was light and fluffy on top but very dense and heavy as I dug deeper. Luckily my wonderful neighbors saw me and came over to help. The husband had a snow blower and managed to get the front of my garage door cleared out. I was soooo grateful. I didn't expect him to do the whole driveway so I started the long process of shoveling the rest myself.

Now my driveway is probably 4 times the length of an average driveway. It's nice to be further back from the street but it's absolutely hell when having to shovel 3 feet of snow by yourself. I managed to get about a few feet from the end of the street when I completely lost energy. The town plows pushed everything from the street to the end of my driveway so on top of the normal 2 feet of snow there was about 2 more feet of street snow. I couldn't do anymore. My arms and back were so sore at this point so I left it, hoping the HOA would get me plowed out before the next day...and they did.

So I survived! It was an awesome sight to see from the comfort of my 72 degree house snuggled on the couch looking out of my sliding glass doors. I couldn't image being stuck in it. I watched hours of news footage on Wed morning and the sights on Lake Shore Drive were astonishing. Hundreds of cars just abandoned buried in 20" of snow was like witnessing armageddon.

What I found more amazing was that by Thursday it was business as usual. Grant it the streets were still snow covered but definitely clear enough for traffic to get by. I give the state some credit. They did not waste any time trying to keep this disaster under control. Although I'd hate to know how much it cost!