Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yay!  First day of summer.  My favorite time of year.  And this year has not been a disappointment.  Summer pretty much started in March with 80 degree temps.  Today its 95 degrees, sunny, blue sky, hot and breezy.  Perfect summer day!

I'm on vacation this week.  My first so far this year.  I save them up to take during the summer months for reasons stated above.  I haven't posted in a while so here's a quick recap of the last few months:
  • Work has been crazy.  I've been working lots of Saturdays just to try and catch up and it hasn't helped.  So I gave my bosses an ultimatum and pretty much said they need to prioritize what needs to get done because I am not working on Saturday's for free anymore.  Not in the summer.  Sorry.
  • I ran my 6th half marathon on June 9th.  The Chicago 13.1.  It was a very warm day again (not as bad as last year).  The race was not called off this year and considering I haven't done any real training for it, I was happy to have completed it in 2:47.  Under 3 hours!  Considering the heat, my poor conditioning and the fact that I'm about 10 lbs heavier than last year, I didn't do too bad.  This is one of my favorite races.  Around mile marker 5 you're heading north along the lakefront (Lake Shore Drive) and you see the gorgeous city skyline.  Just breath taking.  You have the lake which is just gleaming blue with the sun reflecting off of it.  Such a pretty sight.  Absolutely love love love it!!  Grant it, at this point I'm getting tired and realize I am barely half way done but it is still an awesome view.
  • Vacation mistake #1 - don't fill the whole week with appointments.  I made an eye dr appt, hair appt, and dentist appt this week figuring I have time to get them done.  Big mistake.  I sat in the eye dr office for about an hour when I was told I may want to reschedule because there is only one dr covering all patients because one of the other dr called in sick.  So I figured okay I'll do it tomorrow.  I ended up taking Simba to the vet because he's been bleeding from his left nostril the whole weekend and knew that this wasn't normal.  Ended up sitting at the vet's office for an hour and cost me $200 for antibiotics and the exam.  The next day I go back to the eye dr and sit for over an hour before i'm called back and sit for another 45 mins before the dr gets to me!! I am beyond irritated but figured I'm committed at this point so I just need to wait it out.  New contacts and lenses for my glasses costs me $480.  Thank goodness for health savings!!  Good grief.  Then I go all the way to Schaumberg for my hair.  I color it to cover the atrocious gray hairs and get a good 4.5 inches cut off and it feels fantastic!  Cut, color, and product costs me $300.  Two days into my vacation and I've spent close to $1000 and haven't even left the country!!!
  • Mistake #2 - always make the effort to look semi decent when going to dr/dentist appt.  I just rolled outta bed, threw my hair in a sloppy bun and threw on some raggedy clothes.  Two major accidents on the expressway ends up diverting every frickin car in the tri state area to crawl down route 30 so that I'm running late to the dentist.  Good thing I was saavy enough to get off the main road and take a back road and manage to get to my appt on time.  Find out that my dentist office hired a new "associate".  Wouldn't it figure he's a very good looking young guy.  F me.  I realized that having a good looking dentist is like having a good looking gyny.  You don't want them seeing you in an awkward state and sitting with your mouth open and his fingers in it is pretty damn awkward LOL.  Come to find out, he's the nephew of a guy I work with.  Small world.  Good thing I majorly brushed my teeth and tongue before that encounter!
  • Mistake #3 - checking work email.  It's been 2 1/2 days and my in box had 126 messages.  Took a good 2 hours to sort through them and answer some.  Not fun but I know it will save me hours of work come Monday.
So the rest of the week looks spectacular.  Heat and humidity should break tommorrow and temps will be back in the low to mid 80's and sunny.  Couldn't ask for more.  I plan on enjoying the rest of it!!!