Sunday, March 6, 2011

First "outside" run of the season - March 4th

Friday March 4 was 61 degrees when I left work. I have to thank my BF for calling me and letting me know this so I didn't miss out on taking full advantage of it.

I rushed home, ate a few peanut butter and crackers to fuel up and threw on some workout clothes and headed out. It was a little breezy but because the wind was coming from the south, it was what was giving us the warm weather so I could deal with it.

I started out on the same path I took all summer and it felt INCREDIBLE! There is such a huge difference between running a treadmill and running outside. I think the adrenaline is what kept me going for so long. I intended to run for about an hour but when I got back I found I actually ran for an hour and a half! That was about 8 miles!! Trust me, I felt every single one of them when I got done. I was totally losing steam on the last mile and knew I was going to pay for it the next day.

It's now Sunday and I'm still sore in places I haven't been sore in months. But it was so worth it.. Mother Nature is a huge tease because Saturday was about as cold and windy as ever. I did manage to run almost 5 miles on the treadmill on Saturday but it was at a leisurely pace.

I just can't wait for spring to officially get here. Everyday that passes is one day closer!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to enjoy it, especially as the snow storm that hit us Saturday night. :(

    So ready for Spring.
