Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23, 2011 - Mid Summer

Summer. My absolute favorite time of year. It is about 88 degrees but with the heat index it feels like 100. AHHHHH. This is what I suffer through winter for. You will never hear me complain about how hot it is. I relish in it.

This is also why I waited 6 months before scheduling my vacation. I wanted to take 1 week for every summer month and boy was it worth the wait. Not that I've done anything spectacular. Just trying to run in it and sweating like I've just walked out of the shower. But my favorite feeling in the world is taking a shower after a workout like that and feeling so clean and refreshed. Most of the time I literally put on my comfy clothes and take a nap. The heat and humidity just takes everything out of me. But it feels awesome.

I've also managed to get some color. But I have horrendous tan lines. I have lines from my tank tops on my chest, a line on my left arm from where my ipod band goes across, lines on the back of my calves from where my knee braces end, and this severe line on both of my thighs from where I hiked my shorts up after a run and laid out in the sun. I didn't realize how pale I was before. But I love it! I love the sun and heat and am already dreading winter.

I know it's only the end of July and I'm already thinking of winter. Seriously how is it that summer goes by so fast! I mean May and June were cool rainy months so really summer didn't start until July 1st. I just hope the seasons are shifting so that maybe summer sticks around until October. One can dream right?

One bad thing about the heat is that I realize how old my puppy is. He really can't handle it well. I've noticed in the last 6 months that he can't make what I considered a relatively short walk (bout a mile). He manages through it but is wiped out from it and I worry that I'm pushing him to hard. With the fireworks that start from mid June to mid July, he literally would not go past the neighbors house for a walk. We were walking him one evening and somebody blew off fireworks and he about jumped out of his skin. Now he will not forget it so whenever we get to that spot he wants to go back home. Poor baby. It's times like this which brings back the sad reality that he won't be here forever. I do not like to think about that. So I enjoy every minute with him.

Just as I know summer won't last forever. My goal is to enjoy every minute of it. I am sticking to my mantra that as long as it's not raining, I will be outside. I will put on my 70 spf sunblock and bask in the sunlight until I get a whiff that I really need to take a shower :)

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