Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Labor Day...the unofficial end to summer. That's depressing to me. It is about 57 degrees and sunny right now which feels like 30! I do enjoy a little bit of cool weather but it seems to come on so fast. It was 97 degrees and hot and humid on Saturday and by Sunday it had cooled down to 75 degrees which was perfect. But today is calling for MAYBE 70 degrees if we're lucky. It didn't start to get warm until June and now it's getting cold in a matter of a day the first week of September. Hopefully there's an indian summer in the works to help ease me into the cold months ahead. Although I do admit this weather is great for running. I have one more half marathon in October in Indy so I'm hoping it doesn't get too cold too fast. I am grateful that we had an awesome summer and I kept up with my running throughout. I feel like I have been slowing down some over the last few weeks. I try not to beat myself up too much over that. I am dreading having to run the treadmill in the winter. I jumped on it a few weeks ago when it was raining out and I was miserable. It's just not the same as running outside. Plus the fact that I can't watch tv while I'm on it makes it even worse. Oh well. The skies are clear blue today and I plan on enjoying this holiday while I can. Today's weather reminds me of Sept 11th 10 years ago. It is hard to believe it's been 10 years already. I am a little nervous about the anniversary. I just continue to pray for us. Like my Mom says, keep your heart right with God and you have nothing to worry about. Amen :)

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