Sunday, October 9, 2011

What a gorgeous week!

Ever since last Sunday, we have had a full week of nothing but blue skies and abundant sunshine with temps in the high 70's to mid 80's. Now this is the kind of Fall weather that I can get use to. I feel like we're living in Arizona. In fact I think it was Thursday where it was warmer here than in Phoenix! Love it!

I have my last half marathon in Indy next weekend and honestly, I'm not sure if I'm ready. I haven't ran more than 6 miles since my last half in August. Now I'm debating if I want to go. Because I was an idiot and waited way to long to book a room, I have to pay over $150 for a room for one night plus gas to get down there. So my strategy is that if the forecast calls for crappy weather (i.e. rain, temps in the 50's, or windy conditions) then I'm not gonna go. Today is the Chicago Marathon and it's in the mid 50's, sunny, no wind with temps expected near 80. If only that would carry over to next Saturday. Yes it's a bit warm but not at the start of the race. Last year it was close to 70 degrees and nothing but sun. I know, I'm a spoiled brat. Not a die hard runner like most people. Oh well, we'll leave it to Mother Nature.

The trees are starting to change colors and it is soooooo beautiful. I really do love Fall and Spring for all the color. There are these bright gold trees in my neighborhood that I just want to pluck out and plant in front of my house. I love the brilliant gold, red and orange colors. We planned on taking a drive with the dogs through Michigan or Wisconsin this weekend to take advantage of the changing foliage but naturally it didn't happen yesterday. It's still a little too warm for my Simba so he can't walk for very long. We might just drive to one of the local forest preserves. I just know by the time we get around to doing this all the leaves will have fallen but that is par for the course.

Brett throws this out last night "we should get married tomorrow so we can get great pics with the fall colors. It's the time of year I'd want to do it anyway". I wasn't shocked by the comment. We've been talking more about it lately. Our dogs are like our kids since we don't have any and we love them to pieces. With that, I'd want them to be a part of our wedding. My thinking is they could be the ring bearers. I would think it would be so cute to get them a little tux (not a real one, but one that's like a coat). I want them to be a part of our wedding pictures. With Simba's age, that means a decision has to be made soon. I don't like to think about that but it's reality.

I'm struggling with other things when it comes to getting remarried. First is my religion. Now I'm obviously not a devout Catholic, I don't follow everything to the letter of church law but I do go to church every Sunday. One of the rules is that if you are divorced, you can receive communion but if you are remarried you cannot unless your previous marriage was annulled. I don't think this is stated in the Bible anywhere. Maybe it is (obviously I haven't read enough of the Bible to confirm). Guess I could google it. Anyway, I wanted to get married in the Catholic Church. Brett is not Catholic. I still can be married in a Catholic church but there would be no communion service because Brett isn't Catholic. The whole point of a Catholic service is communion. That is the focus of the service so it wouldn't feel right not to have that as part of my ceremony. So I'm struggling with those issues. Not sure how the Catholic Church would feel about dogs walking down the aisle either LOL.

We also joked about getting married on a beach somewhere. While I would really like to do that, I feel like that's more of a civil ceremony, not a religious one. And again, we wouldn't be able to have the dogs involved.

I also have other issues to work out. I am skittish about getting married again. There's a lot that goes into a marriage. A lot of compromise and acceptance. I've been pretty selfish the last 7 years when it comes to doing things my way and on my terms. I need to have a good heart to heart with myself and really make sure that I'm ready for it. I know after 8 years you'd think what's the big deal, we're pretty much a married couple. But there's a big difference when it's legal. Then again, if I love him then what's the problem? I do love him but I admit that I have put up this barrier ever since my divorce. I am so adamant that I don't find myself in the situation I was in before that I haven't let my guard down. Now I don't know how to let my guard down. Maybe I need a therapist LOL!

Lots to think about. That's what the winter is for. I'll be trapped inside with nothing else to do but think this through. For now it's still sunny and warm out so I will enjoy these days while they are here!