Monday, January 16, 2012

Running outside...during winter

Never say never. Really it's true. I was a firm believer that I would never run outside if it's under 60 degrees until the winter of 2011-2012 came along. I ran outside around Christmas a few times, I ran outside last Saturday, last Tuesday and now today. Don't get me wrong, I've only been out because it's been above 40 on those days. I still stand by my edict that I will never run outside when it's below freezing.

This has been the best winter that I can remember. We've barely gotten any snow (I think it was only 1.8 inches through Jan 10th). Then last Thursday we finally got hit with about 4-5 inches. Nothing out of the ordinary but I would have been more than happy to never see the white stuff at all this winter. Today was around 43 degrees with a south wind which wasn't unbearable. I do not have the proper gear to really be running in the winter so I took it easy in areas where snow still covered the sidewalks. Even though it's well above freezing I didn't want to risk slipping and breaking an ankle.

Forecast calls for more snow tomorrow so I totally enjoyed every minute of being out there today. There's nothing like running outside. I'm really hating the treadmill now. I cannot run non stop on a treadmill for 5 miles. It's almost like torture. I end up stopping at least 4 or 5 times out of boredom. BUT I will continue to use it because I've discovered that I gained 10 lbs since this summer.

I noticed it gradually creeping up when I'd weigh myself. I'd say I'm up a few lbs because it's the TOM, or I haven't gone to the bathroom in a while or the scale is wrong. I eventually stopped kidding myself. I haven't been running nearly as much as I did during the summer and naturally I haven't cut back on my eating.

So my goal (not resolution because I don't do resolutions) is to lose 20 lbs this year, preferably before summer. I need to lose the 10 I regained plus another 10 that I've been wanting to lose for over a year. I dread having to watch what I eat and obsess over calorie counting but that's what I have to do.

I was proud of myself last week. I had a bowl of soup and an ounce of sunchips for lunch and a chicken breast and brown rice for dinner. I did that for 3 days straight and felt really good. Then Friday came and I pigged out on pizza. I'm not calling it a failure, I am just going to pick up where I left off starting tomorrow :)

I also need to start doing more weight training during these winter months. I dread the soreness but I know that in the end I need to do it. I hope the rest of the winter is as mild as it has been. I still look so very forward to spring!

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