Saturday, March 17, 2012

This is insane!

We have had over a week of close to 80 and 80+ degree temps and it's only the middle of March! I was out shopping at Kohl's the other night and it was a balmy 75 degrees at 9pm. Let me just say that I am absolutely loving it. Seriously I've never seen a warm streak last this long this early in the year. It feels like summer.

I thought we were lucky when it was pushing 70 for a few days. Now I am totally spoiled. I know the bottom will drop out soon. It's suppose to drop back down to the 60's then 50's by the end of next week. I can't complain (but I know I will) LOL.

I had been running every single day since last Friday because it's been so frickin beautiful outside and I've been telling myself that as soon as the weather got warmer I was going to be running my ass off (literally). But I had to finally take 1 day off on Thursday because my body was exhausted.

But not today. It's sunny right now and around 60 degrees with a forecast of 80. I will be outside every day for as long as this lasts! I just can't believe some people are taking this gift for granted. I just want to scream!! Everyone around here knows that this is a rarity. We're experiencing Arizona weather. Take THAT Arizona :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's March!

We are entering the 3rd month of the year already. Really? Seriously where does the time go. It has been the warmest winter I ever remember but I am still looking forward to spring. My fear is Mother Nature getting revenge and we have a cool/cold spring and summer. But I can't worry about things I can't control.

I've really slacked off on running the last few months. I probably only run once or twice a week. I've been doing interval training to try and change things up when I run on the treadmill. But the lack of running has definitely added some LB's in noticeable places. My so called fat pants have become the only pants that fit right now (comfortably) and to add insult to injury, I popped the inside button off of both of them! That's not good.

I have been doing more p90x which has been good. I am seriously lacking in the muscle department and seeing the fat swinging from where my biceps should be is a little unsettling. I keep telling myself that once it gets warmer I will be back out there running every day. As long as my knees hold up. I keep joking that I won't be able to walk when I'm 60 but it very well may happen.

I signed up for a dirty girl mud run in June. It's a 5k with an obstacle course. I've never done one of these only because I'm not sure if I have the stamina to do obstacles, especially with my knees. It's not timed and only women can participate so if anything it will be for fun. There's about 15 girls on our team so it will be interesting.

My first half marathon of the year is in June so hopefully I will be ready for it. I haven't done more than 5 miles since last fall so getting back up to 13 is going to be a challenge. I've done 5 races so far so I know I can do it again. It at least gives me a goal.

There are light snow flurries coming down right now and it's about 20 degrees. There was a day last week where it was 60 degrees but 30 mph gusty winds. It's so easy to be lazy during this time of year. I could so cuddle up in bed and read my kindle.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The other day I was walking the dogs and saw tulips sprouting in our neighbors yard! And somebody told me that the robins have come back and they wouldn't migrate back to the north unless warmer weather is coming soon. Who can you trust if you can't trust nature!