Saturday, March 17, 2012

This is insane!

We have had over a week of close to 80 and 80+ degree temps and it's only the middle of March! I was out shopping at Kohl's the other night and it was a balmy 75 degrees at 9pm. Let me just say that I am absolutely loving it. Seriously I've never seen a warm streak last this long this early in the year. It feels like summer.

I thought we were lucky when it was pushing 70 for a few days. Now I am totally spoiled. I know the bottom will drop out soon. It's suppose to drop back down to the 60's then 50's by the end of next week. I can't complain (but I know I will) LOL.

I had been running every single day since last Friday because it's been so frickin beautiful outside and I've been telling myself that as soon as the weather got warmer I was going to be running my ass off (literally). But I had to finally take 1 day off on Thursday because my body was exhausted.

But not today. It's sunny right now and around 60 degrees with a forecast of 80. I will be outside every day for as long as this lasts! I just can't believe some people are taking this gift for granted. I just want to scream!! Everyone around here knows that this is a rarity. We're experiencing Arizona weather. Take THAT Arizona :)

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