Monday, September 6, 2010

Unofficial end of summer Sept 6, 2010

I know I haven't written in quite awhile, guess it's a good thing nobody reads this thing but me and maybe Allison :)

Well my favorite time of the year is coming to a close :( I just have to say that this was BY FAR the best summer I can remember in a long time. Not only have I lost 30 lbs!!! But the weather was hot and humid just like summer's are suppose to be (I know I'm weird). I have to admit that this past weekend actually felt nice. It was about 72 degrees with a cool breeze. You could smell that fall is right around the corner. If we have an actual FALL (meaning it doesn't immediately drop to 40 degrees over the next few months) then I'm really looking forward to it.

I ran my first 10 miles on Saturday!! First time ever in my life that I ran that long without stopping. That is 1 mile shy of 3 times around my favorite trail. As much as I wanted to make it all the way on that 3rd lap, I just lost steam, plus my knee was getting pretty sore. But 10 miles!! That is a huge accomplishment for me. I just wanted to see if I could do it. Then this morning I went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast because I have not been there is months. I got my usual and it was pretty good but pretty greasy. Which I'm sure it has always been that way but now that I'm not use to eating it, and boy did my stomache pay for it. So as to not get into the details, let's just say that I'm not anxious to go back.

So because that indiscretion made me feel guilty, I ran another 10 miles today. I know I have issues. I knew this would happen. I swing way to the other extreme so now if I eat bad things I feel I have to push myself extra hard to work it off. Believe me jogging 10 miles is hard work.

I've been limiting myself to one "whatever" meal a day. So if it's pizza, a hamburger and fries, Jimmy John's sub, or Chili's, I'll restrict myself for the rest of the day meaning that I'll just eat my protein shake. I figure that I'm eating about 1200 or so calories a day and I continue to jog at least 4-5 miles a day during the week. So far it seems to be working since I'm maintaining.

Yeah I'd like to lose the last 20 lbs to make my original goal but I'm content with where I'm at right now. I like being able to eat the foods I like whenever I want as long as I keep up with the cardio. And trust me, I realize that as soon as I make any reductions in the cardio I absolutely have to change my diet. Carbs and sugar are still the enemy and unfortunately they will always be the enemy. I know now that as soon as I restrict those two things from my diet the weight will literally fall off.

Another crazy logic stuck in my head is that by not going grocery shopping, I'm able to stick to my diet. I have not had bread, milk or cheese in my fridge since May and I seriously think that is helping. It may not be helping my pocketbook but it's helping keep the temptation away. Yeah I know I could stock up on healthy foods but it's soooo much easier to just run to subway for a salad or Wendy's for a chicken sandwich. I'm actually surprising myself with my ability to restrain from ordering fries or pop. My downfall is around lunchtime 11-12pm when the only thing I've "eaten" since 5am is 2-6 oz protein shakes. That's about 300 calories. So by 11am I am beyond starving and it's tempting to go to Subway and order a spicy italian sub (the worst thing to get) along with the chips and pop. I have been able on numerous occassions to just order the salad with grilled chicken breast with a side of honey mustard. Grant it by 3pm I am STARVING again but it's all about the number of calories!!!

I'm worried about the coming winter months. I've always hated running when it's below 50 degrees out. The cold air kills my lungs but maybe this year will be different. I think I am really going to try to maintain my jogging regimen. When I ran that 10 miles for the first time it was 58 degrees out and I had to admit it was so much easier to run without the humidity. I just hate wearing 4 layers of clothes to start out in and not being able to take them off as I start sweating. I know there are sweat wicking type clothing out there but I'm cheap when it comes to buying that stuff. I have a hard time spending $30-40 bucks things like that. Those who know me, know that I LIVE for Kohl's. Yeah I know it's cheap clothing that doesn't last more than a few years but I like quantity over quality. If I can get 20 items for $200 bucks versus 5 items for the same amount, I'll go for the 20 any day. And for the record, I do have some clothes from Kohls that have lasted 6 years now so it's not all that bad :)

So onto a new season!! I guess you could say that half the battle has been won (losing the weight) now that other half has to be conquered (keeping it off!).

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