Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tis the Season

Well I survived Thanksgiving...for the most part. I thought I did enough exercising to allow me to splurge a little on my food consumption but by Monday my pants were feeling a little snug. Maybe it was all in my head but it did get me down.

I know the next 3-4 months are going to be a huge challenge for me in terms of keeping the weight off. I've been running on the treadmill for about 65 mins a day (well running most of the time). I've increased my speed to try and change it up since I'm not running as long as I use to. It's a challenge just to do an hour on that thing. Even watching my tv shows doesn't pass the time quick enough. My calorie burn according to the treadmill is around 600-650 but I guess I'm still eating too much. Ugh it's just so exhausting to consistently monitor what you eat.

I pretty much live on Subway. I eat a 6" turkey sandwich meal everyday. I calculate it to be around 500-600 calories with the chips and pop. I have two 6 oz protein shakes before lunch which is close to 300-350 calories. So by the time I get home, I've consumed almost 1000 calories. Then I work off 600 so I'm down to 400 before I eat dinner. I've concluded that dinner MUST be the problem. Honestly by dinner time I am pretty hungry. I know my problem is making my own dinner. Yeah how sad is that. I've realized I have no self control.

Since I don't like to cook or really know how to, I end up making things that are easy. Like grilled cheese sandwiches, mac n cheese. I am also obsessed with the harvest cheddar sunchips and find myself eating the whole bag in about 3 days. So I think even though it may be cheaper to go to the store and buy food in bulk, I tend to overeat when I do this. I need to just go out and buy Subway or something healthy and limit myself to that meal. Once it's gone it's gone. I'm not tempted to eat the entire bag of chips or make myself another sandwich.

I've also been adding weight training to my exercise routine. I'm using the all in one weight set that Brett has in his basement and incorporating 20 jumping jacks in between my sets to keep my heart rate up. Then I started jump roping! I bought a jump rope about 2 or 3 years ago and found that when I was heavier it hurt my knees too much to jump. But now that I've lost close to 30 pounds I could do it without the pain! But OMG! I forgot how exhausting it is to jump rope. I could only do about 30 seconds at a time before I had to stop and rest. Seriously I don't remember being this out of breath when I use to do it as a kid. Talk about a workout.

I went outside in front of Brett's house to jump. I knew everyone in the world would see me but figured they'd probably be envious that I could still jump rope (at least that's what I told myself. They were probably laughing at me). It was maybe 40 degrees out and breezy and I was only in my sweaty workout clothes. After 15 mins I was totally soaked in sweat and wiped out. I vowed to continue this routine on the weekends but suddenly last weekend my jump rope actually split in two! I guess it was made of like plastic so after constant poundings on the sidewalk it just gave. So now I need to find a new one, preferable of better quality.

Today is our first snowfall. It started last night and this morning everything is blanketed in this pretty white snow. It's still coming down. The forecast is for 2-4 inches. As pretty as it is, it's just a reminder that this is the beginning of winter. I wish I could be like a bear and pig out for a few months before I get to hibernate until spring. Oh well. I need to keep my spirits up and try my best at keeping up my battle of the bulge!

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