Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13, 2010 - Week 8

Lost a whopping .4 lbs. Yeah, I guess I deserved that after Sunday but still, it hurts. I know there are many reasons why the numbers aren't higher but at the end of the day, I know I've lost inches and again, that's what really matters....at least I have to keep convincing myself of that.

I think this is my last week of purchasing the IP products. They are just too expensive and at the rate of my weight loss so far, I think I can proceed on my own. It's a scary proposition because that makes it THAT MUCH easier to go back to my old habits but I'm still determined. I'm going to have to do this on my own eventually.

I've come to realize that I will never ever be able to eat with abandon. I very much miss my ice cream especially since this summer has been so perfect (heat wise) for enjoying an ice cold chocolate shake or m&m blizzard :) These treats just cannot be enjoyed on a weekly (or daily) basis. They will have to remain the "every once in a long while" type treats.

So I'll finish up the IP product that I currently have, take my measurements and weigh myself next week and take it from there. I'm confident I have learned enough from these last 7 weeks to do this on my own. My goal is still to get into a size 8 jean but I do need to modify the diet to allow a little bit of cheating so that I don't experience another Sunday like last Sunday!! And I will alter my workouts to 60 mins instead of 2 hrs so I can increase the intensity. Sometimes more is not always better. We'll see how it goes!!

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