Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, 2010 - Week 7

Lost 2.2 lbs this past week. Not stellar but I'll take it. I'm now down 18.5 lbs in 6 weeks which is an average of 3 lbs per week. Considering that I haven't been following the diet to the "T", I think I'm doing pretty good.

I've reached my point of saturation. I'm getting bored with eating chicken breasts or plain burgers and the only veggies I'm eating are salads with the usual tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc. I'm really liking Subway's salads. I'm also not using my diet salad dressing. I'm BARELY using the regular stuff, just a touch to give it some taste. I figure I'm going to have to learn to start eating in moderation for when I go off this phase so what the heck. I don't think I'm going to learn to like diet dressing.

I am still majorly craving pizza. I wasthisclose to just getting a small pizza after my weigh in...yeah I know, pretty pathetic. I was justifying it in my mind by telling myself that if I cheat tonight then I have a whole week to make up for it!! But I did not. I went to Meijer, got my chicken breasts and salad ingredients. I did buy ham steaks...yeah never heard of them either but all it is is a thick slice of ham. It was pretty good, although a little too salty. But at least it was differnt than chicken. I did cook the chicken since that will be my meal for the next 3 days. Yay.

What's funny is that I ask Dr. Sam (Samantha) if I look like I weigh 180 lbs. She shook her head with an emphatic NO. She said that the numbers on the scale really don't matter, it's the inches. I couldn't agree more! Which the devil on my shoulder then started whispering to me that if that is the case, then maybe my goal should be to get into a size 8 jeans....not necessarily getting down to 149 lbs. With the hope that I don't have to weigh 149 lbs in order to fit in those size 8's :)

I'm not sure what size I am now since pant sizes vary so much. I am wearing some pants that are a 12 but not sure about jeans. I know my dress pants are a size 16 and they are practically falling off of me (which I secretly like because all day long I revel in my success!) It is getting harder to stick to the plan. Brett doesn't help the cause when he tries talking me into cheating. Not in a bad way but just to live a little on the weekends since I'm so hard core during the week. At this point, it's an easy argument for me to cave into but he does have a point. I still concede that I'm not eating enough which is why I'm not averaging more than 3 lbs per week. Plus I'm walking almost 2 hours a day so in reality, my body can use a few carbs. BUT I DO NOT WANT TO TOTALLY SABOTAGE ALL MY HARD WORK! That sticks in my mind and curbs me from going crazy.

Doing this is not easy. Yes, you get use to it but a part of me will always want what I can't have. Be it the pizza with cheese and pepperoni, or an Oberwies chocolate shake made with chocolate ice cream. I will have my chocolate shake one day before summer ends. I'm just afraid that since I have not had any sugar for so long that the shake may not taste as good as I remember....noooooo that's impossible. Chocolate will always taste as good as I remember!

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought about compromising? Like go hard all week, then have a *free* Sunday? Or Saturday, if that works better for you two going out...

    AND... I know I sound like a broken record, but have you checked your cal counts?

    Because, if you are not eating enough - YOU ARE sabotaging all your hardwork...

    Yes, I know... I need to shut up.
