Friday, July 2, 2010


Today was the absolute perfect summer day. It is the type of day that I live for. Bright blue sky, not a cloud in sight, sun blazing, gentle breezes, 83 degrees, seriously it doesn't get any better than this.

I went walking along my favorite trail. It is perfect in every sense of the word. It's close to Brett's house, it's 3.6 miles around so two laps is doable, it has the perfect balance of shade and sun as you walk along the trail and because it's in a forest preserve, the landscape is gorgeous. It's God's work through and through. Occasionally I see deer walking across the path not more than 10 feet in front of me. I think I saw a fox the other day (that scared me a little). There are birds everywhere singing. It's like the forest where Bambi was born!! LOL! And I feel safe there. Not that I don't still look over my shoulder or check my surroundings, I know that nowhere in this day in age is completely safe, but I've never had a problem (hope I don't jinx myself). Almost everybody that uses the trail is polite and friendly. Everybody is there for one purpose, to exercise. And everybody keeps to themselves. Those who know me totally understand where I'm coming from :)

As I walked my second lap, I was not only soaking up the sun, but soaking up the beautiful nature of it all. I feel so blessed in so many ways. Just being physically able to walk or jog, to be able to appreciate the beauty, to easily breathe in the fresh air, to see clearly, all things that some people take for granted. I've learned that your health is something to NEVER take for granted. I pray for those who are in constant pain, who can't walk or see or hear, who have to rely on medications to stay alive. I pray that I never forget to thank God for blessing me with good health.

Halfway around the trail I came upon these two marshes which are on both sides of the path and right in front of me this mother duck and her 3 baby ducklings came out of the one side and waddled (quickly because she saw me coming) to the other side. OMG was it the cutest thing ever. It's little things like that that I treasure.

I must be hormonal since I feel so emotional today :) I just wanted to document days like this because I realize that life is short. And around here, summer is short as well. So far, this has been the best summer weather we've had in a while even though we've had some pretty bad storms, the weather is like Florida so I expect the storms. But the storms come and then they're gone by the next day. It's not like last summer where the temp on July 4th was barely 60 degrees! I was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans at 2pm on the 4th of July. Seriously. That's ridiculous. Winters can start in October and run through May! Like last year. I don't think it barely made it out of the 70's from June - Aug.

So I will relish this summer and take in all it's glory while it lasts. I'm hoping it lasts through December :)

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