Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 36

Heck at this point, I don't even know the "Day" it is. I think it's 36. All I know is that I'm into week 6 of my journey. WI yesterday....lost 4.8 lbs!! I was hoping for 7 but you know, I'll take what I can get especially after the 2 lb gain last week.

I've learned that I can't even really guage my progress week over week because my body fluctuates so much. So I think a better indicator is to average it out month over month and so far I'm averaging a little more than 3 lbs per week. Not bad.

I put on my size 16 jeans today and they are literally falling off me! What an awesome feeling. Since I don't have any smaller sized jeans (I get rid of my clothes faster than probably most people)I had to put on a belt. And because when I'm heavy I NEVER wear belts because lets face it, the fat tends to keep the pants on, the belt didn't have enough holes to really make a difference! Ahhhh, this must be what it feels like to be a skinny bitch!! LOL, don't get me wrong, I totally do not consider myself skinny. I have only lost 16.3 lbs in 5 weeks with almost 35 more to go.

But I can't lie, it sure feels good to have your clothes looking baggy because of weight loss and not because you bought 2 sizes larger to make yourself look thinner :)

Now that I've been doing this for a while, I really think I will stick to eliminating sugar from my diet. Sugar is evil. It tastes good but evil in so many ways. I fear even having a little taste of it when I'm done with this diet plan for fear it will be like crack and I'll get addicted again. Nothing like fear to motivate you! I have accepted "cheating" on one meal a week, usually on Sat night. By cheating, I'm not going hog wild but last weekend we went to a habachi where the chef makes everything on a big grill in front of you and of course he made fried rice which is my favorite. I ate it...all. But I had the teriyaki chicken and some shrimp so out of the whole meal, the rice was the worst part. And I still lost almost 5 lbs. Maybe the rice is why I didn't lose the extra 2. Who knows.

Also another accomplishment is last Friday Brett wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner for their fish fry (he gets the fried cod which is possibly the best we have ever tasted) and I got their chef salad. I did get the ranch dressing but I used it so sparingly that you could barely tell I used any at all since the little container it comes in on the side barely looks touched. So I keep proving to myself that I can do this even with SOOOOO much temptation around. I think it's because when we are done with the meal and I had to witness Brett eating all the things that I absolutely love, I feel so much better physically. I'm not stuffed to the gills, I'm not bloated and tired. Instead, I feel satisfied and light on my feet! I can definitely learn to love that feeling. It's what's keeping me going right now.

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