Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 14

Today's weigh in and I'm excited to see how week 2 went. It's still not easy and I tend to put myself in temptation's way. We went to BW3 Saturday night to meet up with some friends and I absolutely love their buffalo ranch chicken wrap. Needless to say, there was none of that in my future. So I prepared myself and ate a grilled chicken breast a couple hours before we left for Bdubs. I brought my homemade salad dressing and ordered the garden salad minus cheese minus croutons so it was lettuce and tomatoes. I was fine until we ended up hanging out for about 4 hours!!!

I think I drank 64 oz of water during that time to quelch my intense hunger pains. Seeing and smelling those wings going past our table all night almost killed me. Talk about torture. But I managed!! I didn't waver. I went home and went to bed. But I told Brett that I will NOT be doing that again!! Two hours max is all I can handle.

Honestly, I don't know why I do this to myself. I think I like testing myself because when I pass, I know that I can do this. They say you shouldn't have any cravings while on this program but I am sooooo wanting Giordano's Pizza!! I just love how it tastes, it's not like I'm filling an emotional void.

But the more and more I notice the weight loss, the less inclined I am to filling my belly with pizza. I'm just getting burned out on the veggies. My selection is quite small only because I don't know how the others taste or even how to cook them. I made a HUGE mistake and bought brussel sprouts. I thought I liked them. I COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG!!! Grant it, I probably didn't cook them correctly but I don't think it would matter, the taste was horrendous. Note to self, don't buy those again. I find myself not eating enough salads (mostly skipping them altogether) and not really eating the veggies as much as I should. And of course, I'm hungry!! I'm losing weight but in the end, not eating enough is not a good thing for many reasons.

Time to get creative!!

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