Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 10

Why oh why did I not do this diet sooner? My body is screaming THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I feel so good right now. My stomach has flattened a little (meaning the rolls have gotten a little smaller, not like I now have 6 pack abs) and I just feel so much better. I don't feel bloated or sluggish. Instead I feel light and peppy!

My friend Lori told me that the second week would be easier and she's right. I'm not as hungry between meals which I think is because I now have the meal packets that I really like plus I've upped my lean meat intake to around 8 oz instead of 5. I continue to walk 3.6 miles everyday and am accepting that even though I am not jogging, a fast walk is good for me. I'm actually sore by the end of it which surprised me. I'm an all or nothing girl so usually I insist that if I can't push myself to the limit each workout then why bother. Now my thinking is just walk everyday. It's not hard and it's easier on my joints. I need to start incorporating weight training back into my workouts because I know muscle is going to help me continue to burn calories throughout the day. I just don't have the energy yet. I'll get there though!

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