Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 23

The other night I cheated on my diet. I've been so good so far on my vacation but I had to admit I was miserable. We'd gone out to eat a few times and knowing I couldn't eat 2/3rds of what was in my meal pissed me off. Why am I paying $12 for only eating the meat!

So the other night Brett convinced me that cheating a little will not cause me to gain 5 pounds. So I've been CRAVING Giordannos pizza. So we go. We get the turkey chef salad with a side of ranch. I ate the cheese that came with it along with a tiny bit of ranch. Plus I had ONE little piece of bread and butter. I hate to admit that that piece of bread and butter was HEAVEN!! Then came the pizza. I thought I'd mauw down on 4 pieces but all I could manage was a little corner piece and a regular piece (they're cut in squares so nothing huge). AND I drank water, no pop when I could have killed for a Pepsi.

And you know what? I didn't feel super guilty. Now I did weigh myself the following morning just to check and Brett was right, nothing gained. I then continued to walk over 7 miles and bike ride another 6 miles just for good measure :) I have to admit, I wanted to make sure I burned all those bad calories!

But I did learn something from it. I learned that you have to give in to those cravings every now and then or it will make me miserable AND I will go crazy once I can have them and I don't want to sabotage this. I also learned that the food I was craving was very good but I can live without it. It's more of a mental thing than a nutrition thing.

So even though I also crave Cracker Barrel and Oberweis, I don't feel the urge to totally go hog wild and eat it. I looked at myself in the mirror and can see my stomach flattening out and my face and neck getting thinner and I really don't want to mess that up. I'm finally liking what I see again and that's HUGE!!

Now it's going to be another beautiful sunny day and I am going to go out and enjoy it!!!

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