Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 28

Weigh in...I gained 2 lbs. I just don't get it. Yeah I cheated on 2 meals during 9 days of my vacation and I worked out like crazy!! That's 2 out of 36 meals. I knew cheating wasn't going to aid in the weight loss but there's no way in hell I should have gained 2 whole lbs.

I've cut my calorie intake by thousands per week, I'm fast walking between 3-7 miles a day....WTF! I'm either gaining muscle, not drinking enough water, or full of crap (literally). I've just been diagnosed with IBS with constipation, lovely. I'm actually glad that at least my condition has a name and that it's a real condition. My dr prescribed amitiza which according to their website comments by patients who are either on or are taking it, can have extremely unpleasant side affects.

I know medications effect everyone differently and I'm hoping to be the ones who were celebrating it as an answer to their prayers and that I will finally feel normal again and perhaps lose a few pounds. According to my doc this form of IBS is extremely common in women and according to the boards, 99.9% of the people commenting were women. I am not taking any chances with this medicine though and have decided to start taking it over the weekend in case I happen to be one of those women who suddenly find themselves in a diarreha puddle (EWWWWWW).

One positive outcome of today's weigh in is that they took my measurements. Compared to 4 weeks ago I have lost 1.5" off my chest, 2" off my waist and I think 2" off my hips and some inches off my arms and legs. So I got that going for me!

I know what I'm doing is working. Again Kari, don't get caught up in the numbers on the scale. My two indiscretions did show me that I feel like serious crap after eating a high carb/sugar meal (not only the crappy feeling of guilt but literally I could feel my body reacting by spiking my insulin). I got a slight headache and just felt sluggish and bloated overall. Don't get me wrong, I do miss my pizza and Cracker Barrel but it's not worth feeling both bad and guilty.

So now I'm into week 5. It does get easier and I have to admit, I feel a little bit of my "glow" and confidence coming back! My pants are much baggier and my face and stomach are much flatter so even though the numbers on the scale aren't reflecting what I want them to, there are definite benefits to sticking to this thing.

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